Listed below are the Katra Film Series 2022 Spring Selections, screening exclusively on Xerb TV from Monday, April 18 to Friday, April 22. Tickets are $10 per film, and $20 to access all films. CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS YEAR’S SELECTION.










RAISED UP WEST SIDE – directed by Brett A. Schwartz

Length: 01:26:31

Chicago’s West Side epitomizes the violent, struggling city we see daily in the media. While peeling  back the layers, exposing the deep-seated segregation, food insecurity, and mass incarceration that continue to shape these predominantly Black neighborhoods.












FIGHTING FOR DAYBREAK – directed by Jason Head

Length: 01:10:23

At the inaugural Daybreak music festival, 2000 camping fans suffer freezing winds, pouring rain, and knee-deep mud in hopes of seeing their favorite electronic artists. All the while, behind the scenes, a struggling crew fights to keep the multimillion dollar show from slipping through everyone’s fingers.













ALIENATION – directed by Sam Coyle

Length: 01:02:02

After months of being stuck at home going crazy, a small band of college students decide to shoot a feature film with no money, plenty of time, and only bad actors. Follow along as the director, writer, and production team navigate awkward zoom auditions, the make-up department tries to instruct special effects over facetime and actors maintain six feet while attempting to still show connection. Presented with hope that these soon-to-be graduates’ skillsets improve from another year of schooling.












SOMETIMES I DREAM IN FARSI – directed by Pirooz Kalayeh

Length: 01:32:01

Pirooz Kalayeh uncovers a traumatic event with racism when he was a child and seeks to heal himself and his family through interviews, therapy, and roleplays.