Visitation (Ep 1) directed by Patrick Devaney

Length 19:53

Quarantine-produced three-part web series detailing the consequences of a group of NASA researchers going against protocols and investigating a strange signal originating from outside the solar system.

mis)placed (Ep 1 & 2) directed by Adam Olson & Erin Roberts

Length 12:44

From the producers of the web series FEM 101, (mis)placed is a web series about the intersecting lives of twenty-somethings, all searching for love, work, and meaning in the world today.

Scratch This The Series (EP 1-3) directed by Jody Lauren Miller

Length 20:31

Three self-centered sisters make a futile effort to overcome their sibling rivalry resulting in riotous physical comedy. Described as The Three Stooges meets Always Sunny in Philadelphia. The main theme of the show is “sisterly love gone awry” in which the best efforts of the three main characters to maintain civility quickly devolves as their habitual ways of relating never fail to take over.

Don’t F**k With Dogs directed by Kiirstin Marilyn & Kevin Kenny

Length 2:58

2 dog lovers are beyond offended when a horror movie director kills a dog in his film. They take justice into their own hands.

Packed directed by Robert Vornkahl

Length 30:00

Two struggling stay-at-home dads connect over a social media app called WulfPak.

Decolonizing History (Ep 1 & Ep 2) directed by Ky Vy Le Duc

Length 15:58

Decolonizing History features 10 little-known chapters from Quebec and Canada’s history, told from the perspective of BIPOC communities and individuals. It’s a unique way to discover insightful facts, historical characters, and significant events. It is a first step towards better understanding, better awareness, and building a collective history that includes all voices.