JUNE 14TH – BLOCK TWO (8:45 PM – 10:45 PM)

Goat – Directed by Sean Welski and Lindsey Hope Pearlman

Length: 0:11:00

Diane wants a way out. She dreams of a new life, a different life. A mystical island offers her a solution to her problem.


Googles – Directed by Ben Hirschhorn

Length: 0:09:54

A coming of age story about a boy with a seemingly perfect life. A beautiful home, endless sweets, and no problems whatsoever… except one. Where is everyone else? Set in a not so distant dystopian future, Goggles examines the heartbreaking conditions of our U.S. Border Patrol System through a narrative science fiction lens. At a time when it seems our immigration policies couldn’t possibly get any worse, this film dares to ask… what if they did?


Dormancy – Directed by Luke Becker-Lowe and Nicholas W. Callais

Length: 0:15:42

“Our story follows a young immigrant woman and her new husband, who live simply with hopes of eventually starting a family. Like many Vermont families at the time, they are visited by field workers involved with the eugenics movement. Their family history and their French Canadian roots are well documented. Given false information about their health risks, they eventually agree to undergo “new procedures” available to them. The couple is lured into a rural clinic where they are subjected to the sadistic goals of the doctors and eugenics field workers. For this modest family, life will never be quite the same.


Hysterical Justice – Directed by Hash Sesay

Length: 0:16:21

Hysterical Justice analyzes the plight of Black America through the lens of humor as it examines the fight for social justice throughout American history. By implementing a combination of standup audio, archival footage, interviews, and reenactments, this piece is able to further illustrate how black humorists are able to laugh through pain and continuously strive for comedic greatness!


Human Telegraphs (pilot + episodes 2 and 3) – Directed by Kayla Conroy

Length: 0:34:06

Human Telegraphs is a quirky and sweet female-driven series that follows three women as they launch an in-person message delivery business in NYC, and get tangled in the intimate, unexpected, and hilarious lives of strangers. Trisha has been a type-A, driven she-boss from the time she left diapers, Margot is a shy, aspiring actor who left a sheltered religious upbringing in Alaska to find her true self in NYC, and Lily is a fiery hippie, feminist playwright. The three friends are forced to juggle the demands of their personal lives and dreams while being caught in the crossfire of other New Yorkers’ relationship dramas, setbacks, and triumphs. Will their business and lives flounder or flourish in the Big Apple? Human Telegraphs offers a fun, voyeuristic view into the personal relationships of a colorful collection of New Yorkers, and takes viewers behind their closed doors to reveal the authentically raw and eccentric humans of New York.​​


Through The Trees – Directed by Glen Covell

Length: 0:11:00

Holly is a hiker looking to spend a peaceful and rejuvenating day in the wilderness. She begins finding strange objects and soon realizes that she may not be as alone in the forest as she thought.