Virgencita – Directed by Ana Isabel Dow
Runtime: 12:32
After moving in with her ailing ABUELA after her mother’s death, six-year-old LUCÍA comes face to face with an insatiable god. Can Lucía find a way satisfy the god’s hunger in order to be granted her wish?
Sink – Directed by Raina Yang
Runtime: 12:25
On a college backpacking trip, a Chinese girl grapples with questions of identity after she finds herself at a crossroads between her Chinese classmate and her fear of being perceived as an outsider.
Apple Pie – Directed by Erin Borg
Runtime: 09:58
A woman faces a new and harsh reality when she is pressured to eat a slice of apple pie that she does not want to eat.
Hot Idiot – Directed by Joey Rizzolo
Runtime: 10:58
Two office besties deconstruct a date with an unexpectedly eligible suitor.
Down The Avenue – Directed by Victoria Suyas
Runtime: 16:10
A magical realist coming-of-age drama that follows two inner-city kids from the projects who have the time of their lives when they befriend an odd young boy with a mystical air about him.
Trivial Pursuits – Directed by Kaitlin Kemp
Runtime: 07:06
With the help of her supportive boyfriend, a young woman must pick up the pieces of her life to graduate from NYU after the sudden loss of her best friend, until a letter postmarked before her friend’s death arrives, potentially changing everything. A grounded mental health drama that explores the many perspectives that grief touches.
Who were you in New York – Directed by Stella Rea
Runtime: 13:42
“Who were you in New York” proposes a dive into memories and wishful thinking through Sofia’s journey in a trip that allows her to imagine who her mother was when in New York.
Cortado – Directed by Andrew Kirschenbaum, Juan Teisaire, Hannah Abdoh
Runtime: 14:11
A young, cross-cultural couple already on shaky ground is tested when a complicated interaction at a local restaurant causes even more tension between the pair. Cortado is a nuanced, tense, and explosive drama that handles the toxicity of failed communication, love lost, and the frontiers that exist in international relationships.
Homing – Directed by Ricardo J. Varona
Runtime: 16:45
In a rapidly gentrifying Brooklyn neighborhood, a reclusive pigeon keeper is tasked with caring for his estranged daughter for a day but is blindsided by a revelation that could mean losing her for good.