Sally directed by Phillip Russell

Length: 04:20

After his car breaks down, a man seeks refuge at a seemingly abandoned mansion.

Lenny directed by Jason Spagnuoli

Length: 12:40

When Lenny, a middle-aged actor struggling with an eating disorder, experiences a harrowing personal experience, he must contend with his problem in a very visceral way.

Build-A-Girl directed by Anthony Vasquez

Length: 08:05

Introducing Build-A-Girl. The new app that helps you discover the best version of “you”.

A Lone Star Love directed by Ben Myers

Length: 24:25

David, an Irish National, makes his new home in Austin, Texas with the help of a social media android named Viva. When he meets Texas Native, Layla, he must choose between his synthetic companion and a lone star love.


& The Bathroom directed by Alex Saltiel & Nathaniel Jameson

Length: 17:31

& The Bathroom is a microseries about two roommates who grapple with the adult responsibilities of love, employment, and mutual understanding in a universe composed entirely of bathrooms.

Reservations directed by Joshua Kaufman

Length: 03:30

As she makes a series of phone calls from a hotel room, a woman seeks intimacy from unseen conversation partners.

The Third Defector directed by John Gray

Length: 16:53

What seems like a simple assignment for a spy to keep tabs on an Iranian defector becomes a more complicated game of cat and mouse in the streets of Paris.

Survival Job directed by Monica McCarthy

Length: 12:48

Tessa Wren is a struggling New York actor in a Method acting class. When her sense memory exercise gets derailed with an appointment from her agent, Tessa’s training is put to the test as her audition for Chekhov’s THE SEAGULL goes very, very wrong. Now Tessa must act as if her life depends on it… literally.